Saturday, December 31, 2011

From Beginning to End

Beginnings are easy to remember,
A look, a touch, a voice in the darkness,
The Moment you know,
And the Moment you act.

Beginnings are like turning on a light,
Inside your soul, inside your mind,
When you know that all before,
Was nothing compared to the moment you're in.

Endings are different,
Because they don't really exist,
We speak of them and determine their moment,
But it's a fools errand.

There is no ending to your story,
Happily ever after,
Or Tragedy eternal,
There is only time, which continues to pass.

There is only that feeling you can't shake off,
That where you are, you don't belong,
And as you wrack your brain,
There is nowhere you can imagine where you will.

You could be surrounded by loved ones,
And feel all alone,
You could stand beneath the stars above,
And only feel empty to your core.

There are no endings in life,
Only beginnings which are a flash of light,
That leaves a burn that never succumbs,
But aches forevermore.

I know not what lies beyond these moments,
Where we breathe in and out,
And go about our duties,
To life, to others, to time which has no foreseeable ending.

But what I know is that in the beginning there is light,
And understanding, and a feeling of belonging,
But the merciful ending never comes,
You simply look back, and see the tracks you have left which will be with you forever.

You pause and wait to see if it dissipates,
But it never does, it is with you always,
So you face ahead, take the next step,
And wait to begin again.

Quincy R Tatum
December 31, 2011

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