Monday, January 16, 2012

Burning in my Soul

Rage and anger boils within,
Want to scream, want to shout,
Like shadow boxing,
The adversary is there, but doesn't fight back.

Loss and Grief coalesce as one,
Like flint and steel struck together,
Over light kindling and dry brush,
that builds into a raging inferno.

How to live, how to stand,
And face what has been said,
Face the turmoil inside,
When the battlefield is empty except for you.

To Stand and scream at the sky,
This is not what I was meant to be,
This is not what I should have become,
Because I was meant to be on the side of angels.

I am left battered in this suit of armor,
The Battle lost, the combatants moved on,
Before I was given opportunity,
To Fight, and prove my chivalry.

And so I stand alone and tormented,
Knowing what I am, and what I am not,
The things I have done, and those I have not,
But with no battle to fight to prove either.

How long will I stand against the storm,
And Await the combat, which may never come,
To just stand and let the burning inside,
Keep me warm through the long night.

January 10, 2012

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